My 5 reasons.
1. Burning Medicinal Herbs, be it Yagna, incense sticks, Dhoop is a proven method to reduce airborne pathogens by a large percentage, since the ancient times.
2. A mustered oil lamp is used since ages to light Deepawali – The festival of light which comes at the junction of autumn and winters and cleanse the atmosphere for upcoming winters.
3. Controlling Fire is one single innovation which elevated humankind to the highest steps of evolution. A burning lamp demonstrates that might and hope.
4. During the lockdown, it’s a great way for a family to mark a day.
5. Can candle heat kill the corona virus if the whole of the India burns them together at a precise time. Old scriptures talk about the power of sound –
Om when said collectively by a large group of people, can create massive energy fields.
Yagna when done collectively can cleanse atmosphere,
Even Jewish history talks about bringing down forts by collective tapping of earth and blowing the horn at precise moments.
This experiment can’t be done in a modern lab and then taken out for public trials, so has to be done as such.
But again, what are you going to lose?
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